apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reinhard Moeller

Prozess Informatics / Human Computer Interaction
Bldg. FC, Room 2.09
Telephone: +49(0) 202 / 439 1042
Fax: +49(0) 202 / 439 1944
(consultation hours by arrangement)
further information:
Societies / Membership
Chairman Examinations Board of Degree Program Information Technology (IT)
Faculty Council Dept. E
Deputy Chairman Interdisziplinäres Zentrum III, Management Technischer Prozesse
Member of IEEE Transactions on Haptics Journal Management Committee
Senior Member IEEE, Member VDE, VDI/GMA, IEEE-CS, IEEE-CES, GI, ASIM, EUROGRAPHICS, Speaker of GI ANIS (Fachgruppe Graphische Simulation und Animation), Subsection of the Computer Graphics section in the German Gesellschaft für Informatik.
Research & Teaching
Multi-modal Human Computer Interaction
Computer Graphics
Scientific Visualization
Realtime Visual Simulation
Automation Engineering
department publications database